I finished this DVD and although I haven't seen a huge difference in my weight, my body has started to tone up and my endurance and fitness levels have improved massively. I am a big fan of Jillian and hers are the only DVD's I stick to. Even if you feel like you're not going as fast as the demonstrators, just make sure you are doing the moves properly, the workout will be much more effective this way.

It may be worthwhile doing a run through in the mirror before you officially start. If you're truly a beginner, you need to make sure your form is correct as you want to avoid injuries. I used 2kg weights for the harder exercises and 3-4kg weights for the easier ones. It's also good to have a selection of weights if you have them as some moves feel too easy with lighter weights so it's good to increase the intensity if you can manage it.

I prefer this though so that my heart rate doesn't drop but if you're not used to it, it can be confusing. I definitely recommend giving each level a watch before you intend to do it just to familiarise yourself with the moves and to decide what weights to use so you're not faffing around as sometimes there's not much time between exercises. You'll work up a sweat with each level though. I'm drenched in sweat by the end and according to my FitBit, this level makes me work A LOT harder. You really do need to work up to this level as it pushes you a lot more. Level 3 is way more challenging as there's more cardio involved. I found level 2 easier than level 1 and was able to use much heavier weights. I have to say on the first day I found it quite tough and could only make it half way - an indicator of how unfit I was, but with each day it became easier. It feels familiar and comforting seeing those two faces again since I've done the '30 Day Shred' so many times before! Anita demonstrates the harder exercises and Natalie shows the modifications so it's good to have the option to make it easier if you're struggling. One thing I really like about this DVD is that it features the demonstrators Natalie and Anita who also appear in the '30 Day Shred' DVD. The cardio is relatively mild in the first two levels but definitely takes it up a notch in level 3. Before my injury I always struggled getting to the gym before or after work and that really stopped me from working out regularly, but there's no excuses with this and the best part? You really feel like you've worked out! The workouts consist of lifting weights and some cardio and ab work too. The beauty of this workout is that it's short and let's be honest, we can all find 25 minutes to spare. I did this work out 5-6 times a week and spent 10 days on each level. I know there's been some confusion about whether or not you're supposed to do the workout for 30 days in a row but make sure you don't do this, take days off to give yourself some time to recover. You spend ten days on each level just like the '30 Day Shred' with each level getting progressively harder. The DVD contains three different workouts, each lasting for around 25 minutes. Jillian's '30 Day Shred' is a DVD I go back to time and time again because I get noticeable results with that, but it's quite difficult for me at first so I needed something to ease me back into exercise so I decided to purchase this DVD. I hadn't worked out in over a year because of a foot injury and was terribly unfit.

Start your transformation today with Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred! You can do this! And I ll be right there to guide you every step of the way. Get that fit, strong, healthy body you've always dreamed of. There are both basic and advanced modifications for each move, so once you've mastered the moves with proper form you can progress your workout to match your fitness level. Complete Workout 1 for the first ten days, rock out Workout 2 for the second set of 10 days, and finish strong with Workout 3 in the last ten days. Comprised of three 20-minute workouts over a 30-day period, this program will burn calories to melt off the fat, build strong lean muscles, and push you to find your true strength and inner power. Whether you're looking to start exercising for the first time ever or get back into it, Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred has you covered! Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred is a comprehensive 30-day exercise plan to help you kickstart your weight loss journey, dramatically transforming not just your physique but also your level of fitness and self-confidence.